There is great benefit in having an in-house marketing manager. You have direct communication with the individual responsible for your brand’s integrity, you have a single point of contact and you can quickly gauge the effectiveness of the position, usually just by peeping your head in their office door. But to really consider the facts, an in-house marketing position still leaves a lot of tasks and opportunities for growth behind—all at a very expensive price tag.

Salaries for mid-career marketing professionals can be quite expensive:

Digital Marketing Manager  - $73,000/yr
Web Designer - $47,000/yr
Social Media Manager - $49,000/yr
SEO Marketer - $60,000/yr
Content Writer - $55,000/yr
Graphic Designer - $53,000/yr

Not only are all of the required tasks of a marketing manager too much for one person to tackle, but the salaries for their positions alone would total $336,000 a year, on top of the costs of outsourced creative, production costs, media buys and more. An outside marketing team could help you with all of the tasks, and then some, at just a fraction of that cost.

How Proforma Can Help

At Proforma, we’ll work with you to assume the responsibilities of your traditional Marketing Manager role, with the full backing of a team of strategists, writers, PR experts, social media gurus, photographers, web designers and developers, graphic designers, SEO marketers and project managers. We’ll give you one point of contact—your sales rep—who will partner with a dedicated project manager to communicate with you throughout each and every project and will be responsible for ensuring the rest of the creative team gets the information they need to complete each project efficiently and effectively.

Let’s talk about how we can develop a marketing strategy and execute with exceptional creativity to enhance your brand and grow your business.

C: 815.474.1376

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